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1 star – it is known as ‘traveler’ category. What can the travellers expect from the hotel and hotel room? The areas always have the shower or bathtub and of course here is also a WC. Here is also offered soap or body wash in bathroom. When it comes to the room – the area is furnished with table, sofa and color TV with remote control.


Autor: Jorge in Brazil
Źródło: http://www.flickr.com

1 star – it is known as ‘traveler’ category. What can the travellers expect from the hotel and hotel room? The areas always have the shower or bathtub and of course here is also a WC. Here is also offered soap or body wash in bathroom. When it comes to the room – the area is furnished with table, sofa and color TV with remote control.

The area is washed daily. What is more, the tourists have the constant access to the reception service, breakfasts and here is also a deposit possibility. Therefore, people who would be more interested in this way of tourism may be ascertained that sometimes travelling with an airplane is significantly more interesting compared with visiting another place with bus. Not only do we save a lot of time, but also we are likely to save much money.

It is connected with the fact that some tickets, owing to the marketing campaigns of diverse carriers are really cheap and in some cases less expensive than in case of bus! We generally don’t know that people, who have come so far, had to develop perseverance and management skills in them to such level, that has made them reach satisfactory market share they would be delighted with. What is more, they also had luck, which is above all nowadays, in the era of growing pace of improvements on the market, something quite meaningful. As it has already been presented previously, one of the most meaningful attributes that people who would like to become successful must have is referred to perseverance. It Is indicated by the fact that in the life of every single manager there are a lot of moments of doubt, when we can have different possible difficulties.

Consequently, if we think about grounding our own business we need to be prepared for the fact that we would require to deal with various thoughts really frequently. Here a quite helpful role can be played by improvement of abilities in the sphere of management that can make us function even better. 2 stars – It is described as a ‘standard’ group. It offers the same criteria as one star accommodations but there are available some extra improvements such as breakfast buffet and the chance to pay for the visit by the mastercard.

In hotel rooms are supplied bath towels, linen shelves, reading light next to bed and hygienic products (like toothpaste, toothbrush and more) in bathroom. Thus, let’s compare the possibilities we have in bus with those we are offered with in an airplane. For example would we prefer to sit for more than half a day in a crowded automobile or to sit in an airplane for significantly longer period of time? Despite the fact that in order to get to a plane we have to be also significantly earlier and there are some limitations concerning luggage, we may be assured that in the area of tourism there is no better mean of transport available for the end-users. This is advised not only with its comfort, but also with economy.

holiday in Spain

This is connected with the fact that if we are planning our next holiday, we can be ascertained that in order to travel to the place we would like to visit there is no more recommendable option available than an airplane. The farther we would like to go, the more are we advised to choose travelling with this mean of transport, which popularization is one of the most influential signs proving why tourism has contemporarily considerably developed. Furthermore, for majority of people travelling with an airplane is a pleasure and, consequently, there is no excuse for us contemporarily not to decide for it.

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